First Offense DUI in Chester County PA

First Offense DUI in Chester County PA


Many client’s have described facing a first offense DUI in Chester County, Pennsylvania as a nightmare. Considering the serious consequences that can result from a DUI conviction in Pennsylvania, including license suspensions, jail time, fines, and other punishments it can certainly be scary. Achieving the best results requires consulting with an experienced Chester County DUI lawyer. Our team is here to help you.

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1st Offense DUI in Chester County, PA

Do you need a lawyer for your first offense?

Anytime you are facing up to six months in jail and a one-year license suspension you should consult with an attorney. While there are options that can serve to keep you out of jail and minimize your license suspension (ARD), experienced counsel can help make sure the process works for you. A qualified attorney can also make the process much less stressful and help you make the best decisions.

Let Hyde Tebay Legal’s Experienced Attorneys Help You

Your first offense DUI lawyer in Chester County, PA, aggressively to get charges dropped or mount a defense against the Commonwealth’s case. We will fight to get you the best outcomes possible including attacking the Commonwealth’s evidence, taking your case to trial or even helping you get enrolled in diversion programs.  

If you have been charged with a first offense DUI, call today for a free and confidential consultation. Let us show you how our experience fighting for our clients can help you.

1st Offense DUI in Chester County, PA
Tier 1: BAC %.08 - %.099
Ungraded Misdemeanor (M)
Up to 6 Months Probation
No Suspension
Alcohol Highway Safety School or Other Treatment.
Tier 2: BAC % .10 - %.159
Ungraded Misdemeanor (M)
48 hours to 6 Months Incarceration
$500 – $5,000
12 Month Suspension
Alcohol Highway Safety School or Other Treatment.
Tier 3: BAC %.16 or Higher & Controlled Substance
Ungraded Misdemeanor (M)
72 hours to 6 Months Incarceration
$1,000 – $5,000
12 Month Suspension
Alcohol Highway Safety School or Other Treatment.

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